British Values

Promoting British Values at Elburton Primary School

The Department for Education reinforces the need “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.” The Government also set out its definition of British values in the Prevent Strategy.

At Elburton, these values are promoted and reinforced regularly in many ways some of which are outlined in the document below, including through a programme of whole school assemblies. We also deliver the Jigsaw PSHE programme which promotes and teaches a range of British values through the range of puzzle pieces covered through the year.

British Values in Action
Elburton Election
During the build up to the national General Election, School Council reps presented their ideas, ‘manifesto’ to assembly. They shared what they would like to do on the final day of the academic year. These ideas included, dress in rainbow colours, a swimming party, a movie, extra playtime, to name a few.
On the day of the General Election, each pupil was given a vote token and taken to the library so that they could vote for the end of term whole school fun session.
On the Friday after the General Election, Mr Smithers shared the national election result and showed video clips of voting and speeches from the winning party.
He then told the school the final scores and announced the winning vote, which is a ‘water fight!’
Responsibility and Liberty
The school council had the important job of sorting and packing all of the wonderful donations made by our school community. These were then loaded into Mr Copson’s van, who is one of our  school Governors, and then transported to a local food bank. A huge thank you to everybody who donated.
Mutual Respect
Our Mini Police officers are often on 'patrol.' These excellent community officers help their younger friends to play, stay safe, eat their lunches and have fun.
Tolerance of Different Faiths and Beliefs
A well sequenced and planned Religious and World Views curriculum, together with carefully planned assemblies, provides children with opportunities to learn about and discuss faiths and religions from across our community and beyond. 
In addition to this, we invite a variety of religious leaders and speakers to visit children's lessons to share their faith, beliefs, culture and to celebrate our similarities and differences.
Rule of Law
The children learn to self regulate and follow careful instructions from the moment they start their journey at Elburton Primary School. This includes managing themselves in situations which could otherwise be risky should they not make good choices.
Each week, our youngest children visit our Wild Tribe site for an outdoor learning session. During this time the children learn important safety rules including lighting a fire and making hot drink and food on it.