Pastoral Support Lead


Pastoral Support Lead
Mrs L Clarke

Pastoral Support Lead

Mrs Clarke is our Pastoral Support Lead. We recognise that families may need additional support from time to time for a variety of reasons; this may be financial advice, bereavement, separation, domestic abuse or simply a friendly face to share the challenges of daily life.
Mrs Clarke works on site at Elburton Primary School to support families and children who may require this type of support. She is caring, supportive and non-judgemental, her role is to offer advice and signpost services which can support families. She has a wide range of knowledge and qualifications to help her in this role and she works in partnership with parents and carers.
Mrs Clarke also runs a number of clubs within the school, to bring together groups of our school community.


Elburton School Troopers
At Elburton we are proud to run a weekly group for children from Service families. Mrs Clarke meets with the children each week to take part in a wide range of exciting events throughout the year; including commando assault courses, theatre trips, a chance to explore historic military vehicles and even a visit from a survival expert!
The group enjoy spending time together each week, not only to share wonderful enriching activities, but also have a close community of support when things are not as easy. We have specially made cushions for children to take home when their family member may be serving away from home.
We are proud to share that we have been nominated for the Armed Forces Advocate(s) of the Year award for the 2024 Celebrating Forces Families awards.
The awards are to celebrate the fantastic work that our armed forces families do and to say thank you for all of our hard work when supporting our forces families.
Thank you everyone who nominated us! We are very excited!
Mini Guardians
Mrs Clarke runs a weekly group for children of all ages, who may be supporting a sibling or family member in a young carer role. The group come together to not only have the chance to talk about the challenges and experiences they may wish to share, but to build a community and take part in a wide range of wonderful activities.
Mrs Clarke works in close partnership with parents and carers to ensure the right support is available for each individual child.