

"The study of geography is about more than just memorising places on a map. It's about understanding the complexity of our world, appreciating the diversity of cultures that exists across continents. And in the end, it's about using all that knowledge to help bridge divides and bring people together."

Barack Obama


Intent: Why we teach your child geography and what we teach.
Our aim is to give children a high-quality geography education to inspire a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives.​We want children to develop their awareness of where they live and how is it similar and different to the world beyond them. It is important to us that the children at Elburton Primary gain an extensive base of geography knowledge and vocabulary so that they, as well-informed citizens, can express well-balanced opinions about current issues in society and the environment. What is more, the geographical skills they develop give them distinctive tools with which to successfully navigate and engage with their world. The valuing of personal experience of space and place lies at the heart of our geography curriculum. Overall, it is our aim to foster in our learners a genuine interest in Geography, change (locally and globally) and possible futures, which they will take to secondary school and beyond!
Implementation: What our geography curriculum looks like and how we teach it.
Our curriculum for geography at Elburton provides all children, regardless of their background, with:
•Relevant and coherent substantive knowledge of the world that is built gradually using subject-specific pedagogy from EYFS to Year 6 and beyond.
•Substantive knowledge – both conceptual and procedural – is selected to build pupils’ understanding of three geographical vertical concepts:
Space and Place

- Developing an understanding of space through ideas related to location, distribution, pattern and distance.

- Developing a sense of place and character through ideas related to identity, home, community, landscapes and diversity, and examining a range of case studies from across the globe.

Physical Processes

- How the Earth’s natural processes shape and change the surface of the Earth. This includes both Geology & Earth Science aspects, such as the structure of the Earth and physical features we see on the land, as well as Environmental Science aspects, such as the weather and our changing climate. Both of these are threaded through the science curriculum too.

Human Processes

- The processes and phenomena that are caused by or relate to people, including out Use of Resources; the distribution and changes to Population & Communities; and the features of Economy & Development.


Geography is taught in 6-lesson units, once a term (Geography alternates with History).

The curriculum is sequenced so that meaningful links are made between subjects, and the order of units allows these connections to be made. For example, pupils are taught about the Vikings in Britain in History in Spring 2, so that they can review and build upon knowledge of migration – and consider the push and pull factors behind Viking migration – after they have been taught about migration in Geography in Spring 1.

The United Curriculum for Geography has been adapted for Elburton by bringing in the geography of our local area and considering the context of our pupils and the community.

The implementation of the United Curriculum for Geography reflects our broader teaching and learning principles.

For Geography in particular:

Content is always carefully situated within existing schemas. For example, map skills cannot be covered in a single task, concepts of map skills are built on methodically and logically over time through careful planning. In early years pupils begin to identify features of their local area, in KS1 pupils apply directional vocabulary to features and by KS2 pupils use map symbols and grid references on OS maps to describe the location of features.

Vertical concepts are used within lessons to connect aspects of learning. For example, when learning about migration, pupils will review population structures, natural hazards and types of settlement when looking at the reasons why people voluntarily or forcibly move from one place to another.

Opportunities for extended, scholarly writing appear throughout the curriculum. These have a clear purpose and audience and, crucially, allow pupils to write as a geographer. For example, after considering the hazards and benefits associated with volcanic activity and the ways in which humans can prepare for volcanic events, pupils write a discussion explaining why they would or would not live near a volcano.
Impact: How children show that they know and remember more?

The careful sequencing of the curriculum – and how concepts are gradually built over time – is the progression model. If pupils are keeping up with the curriculum, they are making progress. Formative assessment is prioritised and is focused on whether pupils are keeping up with the curriculum.

This includes:

•Questioning in lessons. Teachers check understanding so they can fill gaps and address misconceptions as required.

•Pupil conferencing with books. Subject leads and SLT talk to pupils about what they have learnt – both substantive and disciplinary knowledge – and how this connects to the vertical concepts that they have been developing in previous years and other subjects. For example, pupils in year 4 may be asked to talk about the tropical rainforest biome is similar and different to hot and cold deserts, and how these biomes are affected by human activity such as deforestation or migration.
•Pre-learning quizzes at the start of each unit. These assess pupils’ understanding of the prior knowledge that is required to access the new content in the unit. These are used to identify gaps to be filled prior to teaching the new unit. For example, in a unit about improving the environment in Year 6, pupils need to recall knowledge about the effects of climate change and non-renewable energy use and apply this to new knowledge about renewable energy and mitigating the impacts of climate change. This knowledge is assessed in the Pre-Learning Quiz, and teachers can plan to fill any identified gaps.
•Post-learning quizzes at the end of each unit. These give teachers an understanding of the knowledge that pupils can recall at the end of the unit, and can be used to identify any remaining gaps to be filled. These are generally simple recall questions such as key places or features, using map skills, identifying the causes of flooding or the effects of an earthquake.
How can you help your child at home:
EYFS and Key Stage 1
  • Encourage your child to observe the world around them. On a walk talk about how some houses and buildings look older than others.
  • Talk about your route to school or the shops. What do you see on the way? Can you draw what you see? Can you draw a simple map?
  • Look at a map of the UK- Where you do live? Have you lived anywhere else?
  • Visit the new town of Sherford on the outskirts of Plymouth.  What type of houses have been built?  Can you draw a sketch of the landscape?
  • Visit Saltram and follow the River Plym along its course.  Can you take a photo of the river and describe it?
Key Stage 2
  • Visit the National Geographic Kids for the most amazing videos and facts about our wonderful world, along with fun competitions, games and more!
  • The Ordnance Survey Mapzone is full of lively online activities and games that children can play, which also develop their map skills and knowledge.
  • Visit the National Marine Aquarium to learn about marine life, ocean currents, and the geography of the world's seas and oceans.
  • Climb Smeaton's Tower on Plymouth Hoe and discuss coastal geography, cliffs, erosion, and how lighthouses have been used historically for navigation.
  • Visit Dartmoor National Park to study moorland geography, weathering, and erosion, as well as flora and fauna specific to this type of landscape. You could take part in orienteering and map reading too.
  • Walk along the South West Coast Path starting from the Royal William Yard and discuss coastal processes such as erosion and deposition and how human activity has shaped the coast.