School Council

School Council
Earlier this year, children from each class were given the opportunity to give a two minute talk about why they should be elected to represent their class at School Council. Each class then voted for two representatives to attend regular School Council meetings and be their class voice. Winners were announced by Mr Smithers during a Friday assembly.
The School Council representatives will take ideas and suggestions from their class to discuss at School Council meetings, which will be facilitated by Mrs Johnson. 
School Council representatives from Years 5 and 6 had the opportunity to apply for this years Chair, Secretary and Treasurer roles. Those who wished to apply gave a short speech to the School Council and a secret ballot was held. 
The winners were announced by Mr Smithers in the whole school assembly.
Introducing School Council Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.
School Council have been busy making sure their class has a post box named 'I wish my teacher knew..'
The idea is that children can then write to their teacher, post the note in the box and this is then picked up by our school Pastoral Support Lead. Any written comments can then be addressed.
We are hoping this helps the children express their feeling and is also a safe way for them to ask for help.
School Council joined the Elburton community, alongside Councillor David Salmon and local volunteers. It was all hands on deck, as they weeded, planted bulbs and assisted in tidying up the flower beds. Fun was had by all.
On Friday 6th October the School Council collected donations of food to celebrate Harvest Festival.
The food was delivered to the Shekinah charity and to an organisation within our local community, with the help from our School Council.
School Council sold Poppies at the top and bottom gate the week beginning 6th November
Children in Need
School Council decide that as a school we would take part by each year group dressing in a Pudsey colours.
School Council also decided to hold a cake sale. It was another great example of the school coming together to raise money for a great cause.
The Children in Need Cake Sale raised over £600.
As a School Council, we had decided that by showing our support for Comic Relief we would raise money by wearing Mufti all day!

We have also decided the best way to celebrate Comic Relief was to place our dear Head Teacher ‘Mr Smithers’ in a stock and allow a child from each class to throw a wet sponge whist he was dressed as Scooby Doo! Watch the video to see how he got on.

We felt it was important to raise smiles and money for those who are struggling in these unprecedented times.