Mrs Carolyn Haynes

Mrs C Haynes
Name: Carolyn Haynes
Category: Appointed
Appointing body: Governing board
Term of office: January 2018 - July 2026
Governor responsibilities 
Pupil Premium / Disadvantaged 
Personnel Committee
Complaints and Disciplinary / Grievance panel
Register of interest: Chair of Devon Youth Wind Orchestra
Other governorship:  Nil

I first became a parent governor for Elburton School in 2006 whilst my children were in Foundation and Year 1. I enjoyed my time as a governor and converted to the position of appointed governor when they left the school. I have been involved in a number of initiatives as a governor and endeavour to support the school whenever I can. In particular I value my role in being able to act as a ‘critical friend’ to the school and enjoy being part of the Elburton School community.


I qualified as an Accountant 26 years ago and work as Financial Controller for Plymouth City Council. I have always tried to use my knowledge and skills to provide support to the school and to complement the other strengths within the local governing body.


In my spare time I play the Oboe for the Plymouth Symphony Orchestra and I am also the Chairperson for the Devon Youth Wind Orchestra.


Attendance for LGB 22/23 4/6