PREVENT is about safeguarding individuals and communities from the threat of terrorism. It is delivered as part of CONTEST, the Government’s counter-terrorism strategy.
If someone is identified as being potentially vulnerable to radicalisation or extremism, Prevent puts in place processes to help them.
If you have concerns about an individual or group being radicalised, planning acts of violence or behaving suspiciously, you can call Police on 101 to report your concerns. All calls are dealt with sensitively and you can ask to speak with a Prevent officer if you prefer.
You can also call the Police Prevent Team directly during office hours on 01392 225130. More information is can be obtained on the following website:
Local Authority Designated Officer
For all LADO enquiries, please email or call on 01752 306758
Every lesson in every day of school counts for your children. It is vital that your child attends school regularly. Falling behind affects their emotional well-being and confidence and being off school should be avoided as often as possible.
Last year the attendance for the whole school was 96%. If your child is unwell please can you ensure you let the school know by 9.00am at the very latest. Telephones are answered from 8.00am daily but a message regarding absence can be left on our schools automated telephone system. If we do not have a call we will telephone you as it is critical that we know all our children are safe. Thank you for your support with this.